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Looking Back To My First Post: Paleo Progress and Starting out

Looking Back To My First Post: Paleo Progress and Starting out

Reflecting on our Journey 5 and a 1/2 years ago. Who would have thought this journey would have lasted so long! I am still so proud of Brandon and our journey together!  It is 2 days after the biggest eating day of the year and Brandon 

Paleo 80/20

Paleo 80/20

Hey! As I begin reflecting on my Paleo journey, I am getting pumped to celebrate 5 years . I can’t believe it’s been 5 years already- time has flown by. We had a rough start but through determination, support and tons of success, we stuck 

Paleo On The Go

Paleo On The Go

How can two little Humans require so much running around and movement!?

12631504_208951726122500_2563394526883689838_nSome days they are more exhausting than triathlons and half marathons! I’ve discovered the truth in people saying, I don’t have time to eat because I have kids. I’ve had to take a step back over the last few months and create a Paleo routine with my new family dynamic.

I did a Whole 30 in January and it really helped me reflect on how Food is meant to heal and make us feel good. I have fallen in love with the Paleo lifestyle as a mom because I am able to teach my children what a healthy relationship with food can look like.

With that said.. WE ARE SO BUSY! I have officially stock piled my house with Paleo foods for on the go.

Plantain chips, RX BARS, trailmix and homemade muffins. I’ve never seen so many mason jars and tupperware containers in my pantry!! And of course our favorite Paleo food Thunderbird Bars


No new news here that my Husband and I have been huge fans of Thunderbird bars for a long time now. I’ve tweeted and posted about them before, but being a mom now, this love has grow even stronger. My son loves these bars and I am thrilled that our family can buy a box of bars and be satisfied for meals or snacks. I don’t have to make or find 4 different snacks for each of us! THANK YOU THUNDERBIRD BAR!

(I should note, I am not sponsored by this company. I just strongly believe in supporting good business and especially ones who value quality foods like we do! GO PALEO) 

If you haven’t tried these bars, you are missing out. Not only do they contain good ingredients, their customer service is incredible. I believe in their message:

“Real Food, Real Energy for Real People”. 




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These bars are excellent on the go snacks because they actually satisfy your hunger.

So if you are busy like me – buy some bars and keep them in your bag, car or bed side table (don’t judge).

My husband has been using these bars to fuel him during and post races!


Anytime we can support real food, good ingredients and awesome business, I say it’s a blessing!


So Thunderbird, Thanks and keep making these delicious bars.  I’ve been told Whole Foods carries them, but since I am so far away from Whole Foods- I order online Here! 

Now they even have a thunderbird kids line! Major win.


What Fuels you? What are your Go-To PALEO on the go foods?



Flourless Chewy Chocolate Cookies (vegan, GF, Paleo)

Flourless Chewy Chocolate Cookies (vegan, GF, Paleo)

  I have been so busy these past few months! Nursing my baby girl constantly (SERIOUSLY.. she eats ALL the time, every 40-90 minutes all day and night long) She hates sleeping too so it is everything I can do to cook for my family, 

Cinnamon layered Coffee Cake

Cinnamon layered Coffee Cake

I spent the weekend celebrating my dad’s birthday and I made him his favorite “Sour Cream Coffee Cake”. Now I’ve been craving this cake all week but couldn’t eat any of my dad’s. I successfully satisfied my craving with this moist Paleo Coffee Cake. Cinnamon 

Flourless Chocolate Cake

Flourless Chocolate Cake

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My recipe of the year right here! OMG I am in love with this cake. I think the best part is that I always have these ingredients on hand and it isn’t expensive to make because it doesn’t use any flour. Guilt free flourless chocolate cake is all yours to enjoy!

Continue reading Flourless Chocolate Cake

Chocolate Cashew Nut Ganache

Chocolate Cashew Nut Ganache

Looking for a great cake icing or just a simple fruit dip? Check out this extremely easy Chocolate Cashew Nut Ganache. Chocolate Cashew Nut Ganache Ingredients: 1 C. Chocolate Chips 1/2 C. Cashew Nut butter 1/2 C. Almond Milk Process: Melt all ingredients in a saucepan 

Creamy Chicken and Rice Crock Pot Dinner

Creamy Chicken and Rice Crock Pot Dinner

8+ inches of snow and a limited amount of food in our house! This is a great time to make use of the crock- pot for soups and hearty meals that will keep hubby full while he plows our long driveway. This is one of 

Chewy Chocolate Chip Paleo Bars

Chewy Chocolate Chip Paleo Bars



We are always looking for fast snacks to grab on the go and I know this will only be more useful when baby number 2 arrives and as my little one gets older. For those busy families, this bar is for you! These take 2 minutes to create and only 13-15 minutes to bake. These taste similar to Chewy Chocolate Chip Granola Bars from Quaker.

Continue reading Chewy Chocolate Chip Paleo Bars