Coffee”nut” Smoothie

It is too hot for eating this morning and I have a lot of last-minute things to do like making another loaf of my Caraway Seed bread and making Paleo Parents Graham Crackers. I can’t wait for smore’s on the beach and sandwiches for lunch by the ocean.

I have been working on a smoothie that is delicious without dairy, sweetener or fruit. Here is my favorite.

 Coffee”Nut” Smoothie


  1. 1 C Cold coffee (decaf for me)
  2. 2 Tbsp. Nut butter ( I used Cashew butter)
  3. 2 Tbsp. Coconut Milk
  4. 2 Cups crushed Ice


  • In a blender, add ice, cold coffee and coconut milk. Blend on high until it looks like a milkshake.
  • Add Nut butter and blend well.
  • Pour in a tall pint glass or a to go cup.

The power of this smoothie is that it gives you protein and energy because of the nut butter and you still have a delicious coffee flavor. I drink these for breakfast on busy mornings, as a no sugar and no dairy snack (perfect for 21 day detox), also makes a great treat for hot summer days. It is deceiving how filling  this is and makes a full pint glass. Enjoy!



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