Freezer Jams

My grandmother used to make Strawberry Freezer jam from her own strawberry plants. My strawberry plants are new and didn’t produce very many but I got some great berries from the farmers market a few weekends ago and decided to try and make her freezer jams.

Strawberry Freezer Jam


2 Cups Fresh Strawberries

2 Tbsp Honey

1/2 a lemons juice


  1. Place the berries in a bowl and mash them into a small juicy mess. (or in a blender- pulse)
  2. Place the mashed berries in a saucepan and let them simmer until it turns into more liquid.
  3. Next add honey and stir until it is mixed well.
  4. Simmer for another 25 minutes, stir occasionally.
  5. Using a candy thermometer and check the temperature- it should be around 220 degrees. If you don’t have a candy thermometer- It generally takes about18-20 min. The mixture will begin to thicken ( you don’t want it too thick because it will thicken while cooling.)
  6. Remove the jam from the heat and squeeze in half a lemons juice. Mix well and place in a mason jar. From here you can choose to can the jam or freeze the jam. (Or like we did- eat them right away!)
Blueberry Freezer Jam
2 Cups Blueberries
2 Tbsp. Honey
1/2 a Lemons Juice
  1. Place the berries in a bowl and mash them into a small juicy mess.
  2. Place the mashed berries in a saucepan and let them simmer until it turns into more liquid.
  3. Next add honey and stir until it is mixed well.
  4. Simmer for another 25 minutes, stir occasionally.
  5. Using a candy thermometer and check the temperature- it should be around 220 degrees. If you don’t have a candy thermometer- It generally takes about18-20 min. The mixture will begin to thicken ( you don’t want it too thick because it will thicken while cooling.)
  6. Remove the jam from the heat and squeeze in half a lemons juice. Mix well and place in a mason jar. From here you can choose to can the jam or freeze the jam. (Or like we did- eat them right away!)
Ways we like to eat them: 
Against all grain Sandwich bread with Jam
Paleo Pancakes with jam!

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